International Symposium “The Legacy of Lojze Vodovnik”


Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana

6th of September, 2023, from 14.00 till 17.45
Lecture room P2 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana

The 90th anniversary of the birth of academic professor Lojze Vodovnik is celebrated with a Symposium in his honor and the unveiling of his monument on September the 6th , 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Slovenian Society of Medical and Biological Engineering and the University of Ljubljana are celebrating the 90th anniversary of the birth of the doyen of biomedical engineering in Slovenia, academic professor Lojze Vodovnik. All events in memory of the 90th anniversary of Lojze Vodovnik’s birth are described here:

The Symposium is organized by the Slovenian Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, and supported by IFMBE, ISEBTT and IFESS.

All those interested in attending (either in person or on-line) can register and the organizers will send them the link; the link will also become active the days before the Symposium (and will be made available also to those who have not registered).


14.00 Introductory speeches Ratko Magjarević (IFMBE president), Tomaž Jarm (DMBTS president), Uroš J. Stanič (IFESS 1st president)
14.15 Opatija, the Applied Neural Control Laboratory: the expansion phase of Vodovnik’s neural bypass idea at CWRU and the effect of its legacy on the treatment of neurologic disorders J. Thomas Mortimer
14.45 Injectable wireless microstimulators for motor neuroprosthetics Antoni Ivorra
15.15 Pulsed electric fields: models and applications LLuis M. Mir
15.45 Break Movie “Človek zmaguje” (authors: Tadej Bajd in Uroš J. Stanič, director: Milan Ljubić, year: 1982)
16.15 Contemporary concepts in rehabilitation robotics

Sodobni koncepti v rehabilitacijski robotiki
Zlatko Matjačić
16.45 The impact of high-intensity pulsed electric fields on cellular excitability

Vpliv visoko-napetostnih električnih pulzov na celično vzdražnost
Lea Rems
17.15 Electrochemotherapy and gene therapy in cancer treatment

Elektrokemoterapija in genska terapija v zdravljenju raka

Gregor Serša