5th October 2023 – Global virtual Town Hall of IUPESM

The International Union for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IUPESM) is organizing a global virtual Town Hall of IUPESM on 5th October 2023 at 12 noon GMT for one hour.

This event will introduce the members of the Administrative Council (AC) of IUPESM, who will shortly present the IUPESM activities, the World Congress 2025, the Journal Health and Technology, and the Chairs of Committees/TGs/WPs of IUPESM.

The purpose of this event is enhancement of awareness about IUPESM and what it does.

Please mark your calendar, post the information on the web site of your BME society and distribute it among members of the BME Society and your contacts!

Direct links to the webinar’s webpage and registration are available below and we shall appreciate it if you also distribute them among your contacts.

