NBC 2025 & PCBBE 2025 June 16 – 18, Warsaw, Poland

Joint 20th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and the 24th Polish Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (NBC 2025 & PCBBE 2025),

taking place from June 16-18, 2025 in the vibrant and historic city of Warsaw, Poland.

Dear Distinguished Guests, Colleagues and Friends,

Following our initial invitation to the Joint 20th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and the 24th Polish Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (NBC 2025 & PCBBE 2025), which will take place in Warsaw (Poland) from June 16-18, 2025, and whose first announcement was disseminated on December 12th, 2024, we are pleased to share thissecond announcement with you.

In response to requests from prospective participants, we have decided to extend the submission deadline for full papers to January 31, 2025. We are confident that this extension will provide more researchers and students the opportunity to share results their findings with BME community.

The Conference will be held at the Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, under the honorary patronage of Prof. Marek Konarzewski, President of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It is co-financed by state funds awarded by the Minister of Science as part of the Excellent Science II Programme.

The NBC 2025 & PCBBE 2025 is co-sponsored by the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, the Committee of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Society for Biomedical Engineering, and is endorsed by the European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Science.

We welcome your contributions on a wide range of topics in medical and biological engineering – from the research challenges and effective education to gender diversity in BME and the commercialization of groundbreaking scientific discoveries. We are proud to offer two formats for participation:

  • Full papers accepted for presentation will be published in the prestigious IFMBE Proceedings.
  • For those who prefer a more concise format, abstract submissions are also welcome.

We also encourage participants younger than 35 years old to take part in the Young Investigators Competition (https://nbc2025.ibib.waw.pl/index.php/young-investigators-competition/).

Additionally, researchers working in the field of Artificial Intelligence in BME may consider participating in the IFMBE Scientific Challenge Competition, entitled “Segmentation Challenge: Wounds and Markers in Focus” (https://nbc2025.ibib.waw.pl/index.php/ifmbe-scientific-challenge-competition/).


Full paper and abstract submission open: 01.12.2024
Full paper submission deadline: 31.01.2025
Full paper first decision: 22.02.2025
Abstract only submission deadline: 02.03.2025
Full paper final decision: 30.03.2025
Abstract acceptance notification: 30.03.2025
Early-bird registration deadline: 06.04.2025
Hotel room booking deadline: https://nbc2025.ibib.waw.pl/index.php/accomodation/
Regular registration deadline: 01.06.2025

After the regular registration deadline, on-site registration will be available.

Important info about registration fee please find on the following link: https://nbc2025.ibib.waw.pl/index.php/nbc-2025-pcbbe-2025-registration-fees/

Whether you’re an academic, an industry professional, or a healthcare practitioner, this conference offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect, learn, and contribute to the engineering of a healthier future. So, mark your calendars and get ready for three days of scientific excellence, lively debates, and, of course, a bit of fun along the way.

We look forward to your participation and valuable contributions.

For all the additional questions please contact the Conference Organizing Committee at nbc2025@ibib.waw.pl

Conference Organizing Committee